Water Heater Installation Services: Reduced Labor Costs, Efficiency, And Safety

If it's time to swap out your water heater, the installation process can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, water heater installation service professionals in your area can make the process manageable and affordable.

Here are some easy ways to save money on your new water heater and ensure that it's safe.

Saving on Labor

If you're installing a conventional gas or electric water heater, the unit itself can sometimes be the cheapest component of the job.

Find a Twin: Choosing a water heater unit with the same dimensions as your previous water heater can significantly reduce your labor costs. When you measure your old unit, also snap a few photos that clearly show the supply lines and exhaust vent. Finding units with a similar setup, even if they're more expensive, will allow your water heater service installation professional to quickly swap the old unit out for the new one without having to extend your supply lines or exhaust venting.

Disposal Swap: Depending on the price of scrap metal in your area, your old water heater might be valuable. Before settling on a bid with a water heater installation service professional, call scrap yards in your area to see if someone is willing to remove it and haul it away for free. You can have your plumbing professional unhook the old unit and wait for it to be removed, before putting in the new unit. Again, this can drastically reduce the labor costs associated with the job.

Shut It Off: A plumber's time isn't cheap. The last thing you'll want is to pay your water heater installation service professional to wait for your unit to cool down so that they can service it. When you notice that your water heater is leaking or malfunctioning, shut it off at least two hours before you call your plumber.

Safe and Efficient

Once your new water heater is installed, you'll want years of safe and efficient usage.   

Backdraft Testing: Propane and natural gas water heaters have pilot lights that ignite when more hot water is needed. Although today's water heaters have safety features that prevent fires and explosions, they aren't perfect. Every time your pilot light ignites, a little bit of gas will fail to combust. If your water heater venting isn't quite perfect, gas will build around your water heater, which can lead to noxious odors and gas flare-ups. This phenomenon, known as backdrafting, is easy to test for. Start by shutting any doors or windows near your water heater. Next, turn on a hot water tap in your home. Once the unit fires up, light a match and hold it near the top vent on your water heater. If the smoke from the match is sucked up into the vent, then your water heater is properly vented. If, however, the smoke settles near the vent, you will need to call your water heater installation service professionals to address your backdrafting.

Check for Leaks: Another potential problem that can plague propane and natural gas water heaters is small gas leaks that develop at your supply line junctures. You can test for leaks by applying a few drops of equal parts water and dish soap. If you notice any bubbling, you have a small gas leak and should call your water heater service professional immediately.

Change With the Seasons: Your hot water needs can be vastly different in the winter than in the summer. Set a reminder in your phone to assess your water heater setting about every three months. If you notice that it's taking too long for your showers to heat up during the winter, kick up the heat setting by a few notches.

For more information, contact a company that offers water heater services in your area.
