3 Key Factors for Installing a New Hot Water Tank in Your Home

Installing a new hot water tank can be a major upgrade to your home's plumbing. As part of the process of upgrading the home's water tank system, you should be sure that you are basing your hot water tank decisions around a few key factors. 1. The Amount Available Space for the Water Heater Tank The amount of space that is available for the hot water tank will be a major factor in guiding your decision regarding this purchase. Read More 

How To Tell If Your Air Conditioning Fan Isn’t Working

Nothing becomes as frustrating as quickly as waking up on a hot day only to discover that your air conditioner isn't working properly. If you've tried turning it up and still can't get any relief, your fan could be to blame. Here's what you should do to determine if it's the fan, and how to get help. Check Unit The first thing you should do is prepare yourself to head outside into the heat. Read More 

Save Money On An Unexpected Water Heater Installation

An expected home repair is rarely met with happiness. So, if you have to replace your old and outdated water heater — you may not be too happy. Fortunately, there is some good news. Not only will the upgraded efficiency of a new water heater improve your home's hot water functions and save on operating cost, but there are also some measures you can take to save money on the installation. Read More 

Hire The Right Plumber Immediately After Moving

Purchasing a home that's in perfect condition may not be possible due to your budget or simply having strict requirements over the size and location of the home. If this is the case, there is a chance that the home could have issues that require a plumber to come and make repairs shortly after moving in. When you want to make sure that you have the best experience hiring a plumber, the following tips can be useful for getting the best results. Read More 

Water Heater Repair And Replacing A T&P Valve

If you see water leaking from your water heater, then you may panic. After all, the tank is filled with water and a failure can cause a flood in your basement. However, this is not usually the case, and the leak can often be repaired. This is especially true if you see water dripping directly out of the long metal pipe that sits along the outside of the water heater. Find out what is happening when the pipe leaks and what your plumbing professional can do to repair it. Read More